As you know, our mission is to make the moving process less stressful! So I have compiled a few tips for moving that are focused on maintaining your sanity while moving. Because that is usually easier said than done!
This is a serene image to emphasize how stress free your move could be!
Order Elephant Trunk
So I want to get the OBVIOUS out of the way first. Our moving boxes and supplies are the best stress reducers in the moving process! You don’t have to go pick them up, and you can order them from the comfort of your home over the phone or online. The boxes are delivered to your door, no assembly is required, and once you are finished unpacking we come and whisk them away! How is that not stress-reducing and amazing? We are in no way biased here.
Color Coding
I highly recommend getting different colored sharpies for labeling! Use one color for living space, one color for the kitchen, one color for each kid’s room, et cetera et cetera! You can tell your movers what the colors represent so they can be sure to put the boxes in the correct space, and you’re not shuffling boxes around for a week after you’ve moved in. Some people use different colored tape on their cardboard boxes - but since ya don’t need tape with Elephant Trunk you don’t need to worry about buying 12 different colored rolls of tape for the color coding!
Pack a Day-of-Move Bag or Box
This is CRITICAL. Think of it like an overnight bag - what would you need if you were going to be “away from home” for 24 hours? You can even plan it like a camping overnight bag if that makes it more real for you. Include all of your toiletries, changes of clothing, minor cleaning supplies, food and snacks, chargers, backup batteries, and any needed work items you can’t be apart from so that you’re not frantically ripping boxes open in search of. The list goes on, but think about it like you’re going to be away from home, and you can’t exist without these items! Oh - and scissors. Put scissors in here. You’ll need them.
Schedule Eating & Set Reminders to Drink Water
These things might sound obvious - they are not. Do them. Plan when and where and what you are going to eat for the WHOLE moving day. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Hunger is too real to risk dealing with that on top of everything else you are juggling on moving day. Try to make one of the meals a treat for yourself and everyone involved. No one at the restaurant cares if you look crazy and worn down for dinner if that’s how you show up! And if you’re moving in Texas there’s a 60% chance you’re moving in unbearable heat, and you will be dehydrated! Hydrating is good.
5. Budget for Movers
So I know this might not be what you want to hear, but you probably know a few months before you are going to be moving, and you should use that time to plan for the move. That should include saving some money for what’s going to be necessary when the move occurs and saving to hire movers. Even if they’re just to move the big stuff - like appliances and your mattress - it will be SO nice to not have to handle that yourself. The physical exertion of it, the concern you’re going to break your washing machine, sweating all over your mattress that you forgot to cover with plastic. Imagine only having to maneuver a dolly to and from the moving truck - how nice could that be? If you have stairs and no elevator I cannot recommend movers for this enough. I have done my fair share of third floor moves without an elevator and it is not pretty.
I hope this has been helpful for you & I wish you a stress-reduced move! Because let’s be honest - weird stuff comes up on moving day and somehow things go wrong and you can only prepare so much. But I’m tellin’ ya - doing these things to prepare for the move will bring you some great peace.