Lovepacs is a local service group started in November of 2011 in The Colony when the four founding families learned of students at Camey Elementary being sent home on Fridays with backpacks of food because they were not getting enough over the weekends. In order to expand the program to more students, they started Lovepacs. You can read more about the founding here.
So in preparation for spring break in PISD, Lovepacs is collecting donations to give to kids in need. And Elephant Trunk Moving Supplies is providing the containers to the donation locations!
Donation Locations
Food List
Canned Corn (14 oz)
Canned Green Beans (14 oz)
Canned Mixed Vegetalbes (14 oz)
Canned Fruit (14 oz)
Box of Cereal (12 oz)
Canned Chef Boyardee (14 oz)
Canned Pork & Beans (14 oz)
Canned Chili with Beans (14 oz)
Jar of Jelly (plastic 24 - 32 oz)
Jar of Peanut Butter (16 oz)
6 Pack Applesauce Pack
Cup Easy Mac
Ramen Noodles
Pop Tarts
Granola Bars
Oatmeal Packets
Box Animal Crackers (or similar snack with 10 services)